We are pleased to share Forward. – our shared strategic plan to create public good. This is a targeted and intentional plan, with four strategic and foundational objectives, 每个都有四项举措. Because of the input of our community, Forward. 属于我们每一个人.

We are not losing sight of our goal to redefine student success, and to elevate our commitment to research, 创造性活动, partnerships and external engagement. 为了实现这些目标, we must be efficient and effective and, above all, it is our people – our students, faculty, staff, alumni, friends, parents, 家庭和社区成员-这为我们的大学提供了动力,并帮助我们实现卓越.

Forward. 展示了我们作为21世纪公立大学为公众利益服务的承诺. 而这一计划将为我们的势头奠定基础,并将成为我们大学的指导战略, it is not defined just by goals and metrics. 它是由你的行动来定义的. It is defined by our collective aspirations and limitless potential. It is defined by our journey, forward.


Rodney Rogers Signature Transparent
Rodney K. Rogers, Ph.D.



推动博天堂官方 重新定义学生的成功

我们渴望重新定义学生的成功,因为获得学位很重要, we do not believe it is sufficient to live a productive and meaningful life. 我们将为学生提供符合他们的教育体验,并激励他们为毕业后的机会和生活做好准备. In this way, 我们通过我们的毕业生为他们的家庭带来改变来推动博天堂官方, 社区和专业.  

Initiative 1: Right programs that are sustainable

我们将继续评估我们的本科和博天堂官方网站生学术课程,以确保我们为学生提供满足他们需求的机会, 以及社会的需求. 我们将继续支持我们强大的现有项目,并开发需求巨大的新项目, in areas such as healthcare and applied sciences.


Initiative 2: Intensive focus on outcomes

We will ensure each student receives a transformative experience, preparing them for timely graduation, 毕业后的机会, and to live a meaningful and productive life. 我们必须关注机会差距和那些没有经历过其他群体成功水平的学生群体.

Initiative 3: Differentiating the traditional undergraduate experience

We will recognize our position as a comprehensive, 我们将战略性地利用我们作为一所高博天堂官方网站型大学的独特优势,拥有强大的传统,具有高影响力的实践和学生参与. 我们将改革我们的课程,以确保对内容的掌握和知识的应用, 我们将赋予我们的学生有意识地设计一种教育体验,使他们能够充分利用BGSU所提供的一切.

毛雷尔- 100决赛

Initiative 4: Broadening access

We will extend what we have learned during the global pandemic, 我们将利用科技来扩大我们满足学生需求的能力. 我们将通过合作伙伴关系,使更广泛的合格学生群体更容易获得BGSU学位, pathways and innovative programs.




We aspire to be relevant to our communities to support their social, economic, educational and cultural vitality. We create public good through the relevance and significance of our research, scholarship and 创造性活动. We enhance our communities through engagement, service and partnership.


Initiative 5: Focusing research, 创造性活动 and athletic competitions

We will, as an anchor institution of our region, 集中博天堂官方网站, scholarship and 创造性活动 to support the vitality of our communities. 我们会继续加强所需的支援和基础设施,以增加拨款和资源, 契约与慈善.



Initiative 7: Innovative engagement

We will creatively engage our extended community of alumni, friends, 政府官员, families and others to demonstrate the value of BGSU to our region, 国家与世界, as well as to build support for the University.


我们将实施一项协调一致的战略营销和传播计划,向所有选区传达BGSU的相关性和重要性. This will include highlighting our current exemplars of excellence.

School of the Built Environment 2023



Powering Public Good Through Our 人与社区

我们渴望成为一个积极参与的学习型社区,每个成员都属于这个社区,并受到激励,以实现卓越. 要成为我们所向往的社会,我们必须变得更加多元、包容和好奇. Additionally, 我们渴望成为一个以学生为中心的学习社区,并在我们的决策中以这一重点为指导.

Initiative 9: Culture of inclusion, respect and curiosity

我们将通过有意识地教育我们社区的所有成员关于多样性,创造我们渴望成为的文化, 包容与民主. 这将允许我们招募, retain and support a diverse community of students, faculty and staff so that all belong.

Unveiling Robert L Perry Veranda

Initiative 10: Teaching and service excellence

我们将支持教职员工在工作中取得卓越成就,通过利用科技和创新教学法,显著提高教学质量, 以及员工的专业发展,以支持他们为提升大学水平所作的努力.

Initiative 11: Community well-being

我们将通过协调和加强关注心理和身体健康的系统和项目来支持我们的社区, 无障碍和健康.

Initiative 12: Culture of innovation and accountability

我们将在我们的社区内创造一种创新和问责制的文化,使我们的员工能够在covid -19后的世界中推动大学的成功.

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我们将通过精简课程来减少BGSU学生教育的净成本, 采用创新的学术负担能力倡议和实施创新的奖学金计划.

Initiative 14: Efficiency and alignment

我们将调整流程, organizational structures and financial budgets to minimize administrative costs. 更灵活的决策将支持创新和跨学科的学术项目, 博天堂官方网站和推广.

Initiative 15: Technology-enabled

我们将制定和实施一项技术计划,其中包括加强学习空间, 新兴技术, mobile learning and technology-enhanced pedagogy in the classroom.

Initiative 16: Physical plan alignment

我们将继续在校园内开展可持续发展工作,并为我们的物理设施制定总体规划, while considering the implications of COVID-19 on future teaching, 博天堂官方网站及外展需要.

BGSU Seal | A Public University for the Public Good
