

Become a part of our music community.

In a vibrant community of nearly 500 music students, undergraduates and graduates work side by side and form lasting connections with their peers and faculty. By honoring traditions and embracing innovation, we prepare students for diverse musical lives and life-long career growth. The College presents over 600 public events each year and is a major cultural resource for the campus and northwest Ohio.


job placement, 2017-2019 music education graduates




student to faculty ratio

脱颖而出. 走得远.

Our partnerships offer experiential learning opportunities.

In the 音乐艺术学院, opportunity is everywhere. Take advantage of it or create your own experience. Our network of alumni working in the music profession spreads far and wide through the Midwest and beyond. Partnerships with regional schools, the Toledo Symphony 管弦乐队, 托莱多歌剧院, the Toledo Museum of Art, WGTE公共媒体, the Marathon Center for the Performing Arts, 底特律交响乐团, 和更多的, offer students the chance to get hands-on experience from the moment they begin their degree, and networking and job opportunities upon graduating.

Read more about these opportunities




We’ll help you discover the path that perfectly matches your passion for music. You might choose to focus on a single major. Or, maybe you'll follow a course that pulls together a one-of-a-kind mix of the unique opportunities offered here at BGSU. Whether you’re a full-time undergraduate student, 博天堂官方网站生, or a working professional interested in online courses, your path to a successful career starts here.


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小可用 单身汉可用 Certificate/Endorsement Available 大师可用 获得博士学位 提供在线 Available at Firelands Campus
arts Majors and Programs minor bachelor cma
The curriculum stresses an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach developed to a particular discrete competence for each student on the basis of a counseling process.
小可用 单身汉可用 Certificate/Endorsement Available 大师可用 获得博士学位 提供在线 Available at Firelands Campus
bachelor pre-major dual major Majors and Programs unknown major eyo cma
Have a career choice in mind, but undecided on a major? Enroll with The 音乐艺术学院 and we'll help you choose from six majors and specializations and the bachelor of musical arts degree.
小可用 单身汉可用 Certificate/Endorsement Available 大师可用 获得博士学位 提供在线 Available at Firelands Campus
arts Majors and Programs bachelor cma
The music performance major prepares students for careers in orchestral, 乐队, opera and musical theater performance, commercial music and private studio teaching.
小可用 单身汉可用 Certificate/Endorsement Available 大师可用 获得博士学位 提供在线 Available at Firelands Campus
arts et Majors and Programs bachelor cma
The music education major is designed to prepare students to teach music in elementary and secondary schools. Three specializations are offered: choral, classroom/general music and instrumental.
小可用 单身汉可用 Certificate/Endorsement Available 大师可用 获得博士学位 提供在线 Available at Firelands Campus
arts Majors and Programs minor bachelor cma
BGSU’s jazz studies program is for students who want to study jazz solo and ensemble literature, 爵士音乐教育学, 音乐产业, 爵士乐的历史, 爵士乐组成, 还有爵士乐编曲.
小可用 单身汉可用 Certificate/Endorsement Available 大师可用 获得博士学位 提供在线 Available at Firelands Campus
arts Majors and Programs bachelor cma
BGSU’s music composition program is for students who want to study composition, 新/当代音乐, 安排, 电声音乐, 和记录.
小可用 单身汉可用 Certificate/Endorsement Available 大师可用 获得博士学位 提供在线 Available at Firelands Campus
arts Majors and Programs bachelor cma
The world music major provides training in the fundamentals of research, scholarship and performance in the field of world music.


1031 Moore 音乐艺术 Center
Bowling Green State University


Updated: 09/19/2023 04:24PM